
The "Six Dollar Burger" needs re-branding

I'd like to think I'm a savvy consumer. When I watch TV, I scoff at the scams attempted by advertisers. Like the ad for those foreclosed home auctions. At the beginning, the announcer proclaims, "ATTENTION! THIS IS A PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT," yadda yadda. Um, yes, it is a public announcement. If it were a private announcement, you wouldn't have paid $5,000 for 30 second spot, broadcast over the public airwaves. Or the ads for furniture companies: "STORE CLOSING! EVERYTHING MUST GO! 30-50% OFF EVERYTHING!" For about eight months, that same company said the store was closing. I was ready to call them up and ask, "Will you just close already so I don't have to see your fucking commercials anymore?" Then, I started seeing "GRAND OPENING! NEW STORE! 30-50% OFF!" for the furniture store that replaced the one that apparently just closed. It must be annoying to replace your business cards every eight months.

So, even though I think I'm smarter than ads: Carl's Jr. commercials always get me. I think it's because they don't mess around. They just showcase the product. There's no gimmicks. Here's the burger. Look at it. It's fucking huge. Buy it. Eat it.

Needless to say, the new Kentucky Bourbon Six Dollar Burger got my attention (pictured). And as I sat down at my desk to eat one last week, a sad realization came to my mind. I just paid $8.20 for a burger, fries, and a coke. Well, I guess that makes sense. You figure, the burger is $6 (obviously), then another couple bucks for fries and a drink, plus tax. Okay, I get that. But then I remembered where the whole "Six Dollar Burger" thing came from: It's just a gimmick.

Damn you Karcher, and your Jr.!

About ten years ago, CJ started the "Six Dollar Burger" marketing campaign. It was meant to let the Average Joe $6-burger-pack get a high-quality burger -- like you could get at a fancy restaurant -- at a fast-food shop. I don't remember much about 1999, except prepping my computer for Y2K. But apparently, ten years ago, fast-food burgers were substantially cheaper than restaurant burgers. Remember when McDonalds offered cheeseburgers for $0.39 on Wednesdays?? 39 CENTS, are you kidding me?! I suppose restaurant burger costs anywhere from $8-15 nowadays. Yikes.

Considering where the economy is now, the Six Dollar Burger will soon become obsolete. Maybe Carl's Jr. was thinking ahead by branding their burgers this way... knowing the dollar would become increasingly worthless over the next decade.

So what's next for Carl's?

The Trillion Dollar Bailout Burger:

1,000 pages of shit, piled high with pork.


The Price is Recession

Just about everyone is cutting back in these economic times. Heck, look at all the articles I had to cut back in writing here, to save newsprint.

You wouldn't think about it in normal economic times, because the overload of consumerism seems so normal -- but I imagine game shows must be getting hit harder than we expect. The current killer of media -- news, programming, papers, internet -- is a lack of advertising revenue. With no one buying, companies are forced to slash their ad budgets to save cash. So it comes as no surprise that game shows -- for example, The Price is Right -- are not immune. After all, The Price is Right is nothing more than an hour-long commercial. I've always wondered how the FCC lets that slide. I just figured Bob Barker must have fathered everyone on the FCC board, but I'm not sure about Drew.

Recently, The Price is Right has taken a major nosedive. Again, not just because of Drew Carey. Take, for instance, the prizes in the showcase. Now, when I was a kid, those showcases were out of control. You'd get a shitty first price, to warm up you up -- essentially a fluffer, so to speak, to get you ready for your big scene. You know, like a toaster or a washing machine or a piece of carpet. Then you'd get a medium prize, like a new dining room or a golf cart or a big ass TV. Finally, you'd get the monster prize. The prize that you could never afford if you worked your whole lousy life as a bartender/student/old person or whoever else competes on TPIR. The monster prize used to be a motor home, or a trip around the world, or a night with Barker's Beauties. Sigh, if only.

Now, look at today's Showcases:

Showcase #1: An arcade game, a trip to Cannes, France, and $1500 "gambling money."
Showcase #2: A coffeemaker, some shitty Seattle's Best coffee, and a Chevy Cobalt.

Hmmm so you're telling me I have to choose between Pacman and forcibly wasting my prize money in a shitty tourist town -- or a caffeine high in a shitty American car that will likely kill me in my ride home? Umm, I bid $10 trillion, Drew. Thanks.

I don't blame The Price is Right. They're doing the best they can. They hired Drew Carey to save a few million a year. The fired all the hot Beauties, because apparently, unattractive girls cost less. And they started handing out crappy prizes, because the big-ticket advertisers weren't willing to give away a Cessna anymore. I get it.

Maybe pretty soon they're just do away with The Price is Right, and save money by merging it with other CBS programming.

CSI: Showcase Showdown, Two and a Half Dollars, or How I Met Your Outbidder.


What happens when the curry runs out

India temple stampede kills 90

NEW DELHI, India (CNN) -- Police in India revised the death toll in a stampede at a Hindu temple, saying 90 people had died by midday Tuesday.

"But one thing is clear, that a cascading effect did take place, as it was a slope where it happened," he said.

The deadly incident comes on the heels of another stampede that occurred in August, when more than 130 people were killed as panicked worshippers tried to flee a crowded mountaintop Hindu temple in northern India.


It worked in Iraq. I think.

Five years ago, President Bush sent U.S. soldiers to the Middle East to play soccer with Iraqi school children. When it became increasingly evident that Americans suck at soccer, a plan was developed to bolster our offensive. So, some 20,000 extra fullbacks, halfbacks, forwards, and goalkeepers were sent overseas to help. This increase in footballers is commonly referred to as "the surge."

So basically, the government realized the current plan of action wasn't working, and decided the solution was to do more of the same. And look where that got us: only 1,100 American troops have died since the surge was announced!

On Wall Street, investors and lenders have been digging themselves into a hole for a lot longer than five years. So what does the government do? Give them $700 billion in relief, amounting to millions of dollars in payout salaries for the CEOs of the companies that got us into this mess.

But if the surge worked in Iraq, it must work on Wall Street, right?


Well. Yes. We should.

The same way I just delivered hot water to my dehydrated Minute Rice for dinner.


From KNBC:
106-Page Plan Outlines Final Bailout
The details are finalized Sunday on a Wall Street.
FINALLY! We have a Wall Street!!!! AT LONG LAST!!!!


Clear out your mattress

They say that those who choose to ignore the past are doomed to repeat it. They also say that those who ignore the present are doomed to get royally fucked over. Luckily for America, the former is the current conventional wisdom. But that wasn't the case up until... um last week.

I'm sure you've heard the multitude of comparisons to our current economic status to that of the 1920s. Of course, back then it was known as the "Roarin' '20s," and we're on pace now to establish the "Reelin' Naughts." Nomenclature aside, the Great Depression was caused by a series of factors, beginning with an unimaginable amount of debt. Realistically (which is good, because I tend to just make shit up), the entire Capitalist system relies on debt, which is why we're in such a shitty place right now.

Some people wonder how banks make money. After all, all they do is collect other people's money, and reward people for doing it (i.e. interest). And in some cases, that's a lot of interest. But banks do an awful lot more than just collect money -- they dole it out. Lots of it. Unfortunately, more than they have available. And that's why we're in this position right now.

Let's say you owned a bank. Ye Olde Bank Of The D'Bag, for example. You encourage ten of your friends to give you their money. Why would they do something crazy like that? Because you promise to pay them for it! Woohoo!! And the more they give you, the more you're going to pay them! AWESOME! So your ten friends each give you all their money -- let's say they all have $1000 ( because -- let's face it -- if they're friends with you, their life savings is probably less than $1000). And you promise to pay them 1% on their money. That doesn't seem like much, but that's $10 they didn't have before.

Okay, so now you find yourself with $10,000 of money that wasn't and isn't yours. I mean.. it still belongs to your friends, you're just holding it for them. So now it's time to make some money on that money.

Let's say you have another friend, and he wants to buy a car. That car costs $10,000! So you offer to lend him your $10,000 so he can buy the car -- but he'll have to pay you interest on it. How bout 5% per year? So by the end of five years or however long it takes him to pay you back, you've made about $2500!! Just for being nice and lending your friend some cash.

Except that money isn't yours! What would happen if your ten friends, all at once, decided to come withdraw their $1000. And you already lent your friend their money? Holy Great Depression, Batman!

Not really. Your friends could get their money and there'd be no problems. Why? Well, have you ever wondered who makes money? No.. it's not the U.S. Mint or treasury or even the government at all. It's banks!!! When you lent your friend that $10,000, you didn't give him real money at all. You invented debt. You invented a $10,000 IOU out of thin air. So now, there's $20,000 of money flying around -- the $10,000 in your bank that belongs to your ten friends, and the $10,000 that just got paid to the shady used car salesman. That could be a problem, right? Well, so long as your deadbeat friend pays you back, everything should be fine. You'll have made an extra $2000, your friend has a new car, and your other friends each make about $10 a year. EVERYONE WINS.

Okay. Enough happy talk, let's get down to business. This post is getting way too long. Same principles apply to normal banks -- they collect a fraction of the money they lend out, and as long as people pay it back, it's all good. So what went wrong in the U.S. financial sector? People stopped paying back their loans. And we're not talking $10,000 car loans -- that'd take A LOT of used Tauruses to bring down the nation's largest banks. You've probably heard talk of subprime mortgages, although not much is being said about it anymore. When people stopped paying back their mortgages -- some of which costing several million dollars -- that kinda threw the lending companies into the shitters. All of a sudden, they don't have enough money to cover their deposits, and etc etc, we would've been on the verge of financial meltdown, like in the '20s. (Funny sidenote, the AP is slugging their stories each day on the economy, "FinancialMeltdown." You know we're fucked when the oldest press agency in the nation says we're in a meltdown.)

Long story long, if everyone were to lose all faith in the financial system and withdraw their money from the banks, we'd have a similar Great Depression scenario. BUT, the federal government learned from its mistakes last time. Now there's something called the FDIC, which is a federal corporation that insures deposits up to $100,000. And if you have more than $100,000, you're filthy rich and probably keep it in a vault like Uncle Scrooge.

So your money is safe, up to $100,000. The FDIC was established in 1933, post depression, because the government realized some big shit had to go down to keep the world from falling apart.

Alright, so now we're to the present. Giant investment and mortgage companies have already gone under, now the biggest private bank in the U.S. went under too. Which sucks, because WaMu is a million times better than Chase.

Anyway, as we speak, Congress is hammering out the details of a $700 billion plan to "fix" the financial crisis. Essentially, we're doing what banks do -- take people's money, reinvest it, and hope we get it back. Only this time, it's tax money, so we don't really ever see that again anyway.
This bailout package was devised by Henry Paulson, Treasury Secretary, and Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve. These are the men in whom we've placed the entire fate of America's monetary future. Great.

Here's the problem. Republicans aren't willing to vote on this package because they're too f-ing attached to "NO GOVERNMENT, LOWER TAXES," blah blah blah. The government HAD to step in, 75 years ago, to ensure the future of our nation's financial system. The government HAD to step in this time as well, because rampant lending and bad choices by investment companies and their CEOs -- i.e. Republicans -- got us into this mess.

And what happens? Republicans in the House and Senate fight the bill, tooth and nail, forcing Democrats to knock off key provisions just to get enough votes to pass. This thing is close to passing, but I'm sure it'll be completely fucked by the time the GOP is done with it.

I just can't understand how the old way of thinking is helping right now. It's like the Republican party is too proud to admit they're embarrassed, so they just keep harping on the same points until the Democrats give in.

Personally, I'm not really in favor of spending nearly a trillion American tax dollars to protect huge corporate interests. That may be because I don't have any investments, and I'd rather my money be spent on something that I actually believe in. But in the end, I think the hicks in the South and the bank robbers of the Old West had it right -- stuff as much money as you can under your mattress, and just hope the barn doesn't catch fire.

Really great video that explains all this in plain English, and a lot better than my lousy attempt.

Well.. It's been a while

For anyone paying attention -- yes.. all two of you -- I've neglected this thing for more than a year now. Whoops.

So much has happened too. Let's recap the big stories since my last post:
  • SEPTEMBER 2007: President Bush nominates Michael Mukasey to relieve Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General; Gonzales shifts his talents to torturing college students at various paid lectures across the country.
  • OCTOBER 2007: Nintendo announces that Sonic the Hedgehog will join the cast of Super Smash Brothers.
  • NOVEMBER 2007: TV gets really boring, really fast.
  • DECEMBER 2007: Satan stops by Dick Cheney's ceremonial office in Washington for a weekly update, sparking a small fire.
  • JANUARY 2008: India launches the world's cheapest car, to coincide with the world's cheapest labor.
  • FEBRUARY 2008: A judge in Illinois declares adventurer Steve Fossett dead after he wasn't seen for five months. Judge also declares all unicorns dead, after he admitted he hadn't seen one for five months either.
  • MARCH 2008: Vietnam bans people from owning hamsters. Seriously. Fucking communists.
  • APRIL 2008: The Olympic Torch relay runners don Invisibility Cloaks to avoid angry Tibetan protesters in San Francisco.
  • MAY 2008: Death toll from the Sichuan earthquake in China rises to 20,000. Meanwhile, Orange Chicken sales go through the roof at Szechuan Earthquake restaurants across America.
  • JUNE 2008: inBev threatens the very foundation of American culture by offering 46 billion dollars to buy out Anheuser-Busch.
  • JULY 2008: Google announces its total indexed page count has reached 1 trillion -- 999 billion of which are porn sites.
  • AUGUST 2008: Vladimir Putin sews the final stitches on his 21st century Iron Curtain by rolling tanks into Georgia.
Whew. It's been a busy year.

But September is almost over.... let's see, what have I missed this month? Well, the economy is tanking, the election can't come soon enough, and Texas is fucked.

Hey -- sounds like not much has changed since last year after all!




Full article here... with video!

If You Like 'To Catch A Predator'...

Then you'll love this:
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- A 21-year-old Disney employee was taken away in handcuffs from his job at Disney-MGM Studios. The charges against him are even more disturbing because of where he works. Friday, Disney released a statement that the employee was on unpaid administrative leave.

Tony Guerra showed no emotion as he was arrested Thursday evening by agents from the FBI's 'Innocent Images' task force. Walt Disney World managers helped the agents track him down as he was leaving his food service job.

A federal search warrant quoted him saying "I love babies" in a chat room session on Hello Google. The search warrant said Guerra asked an undercover officer, posing as a mother, if she had molested her own children. Then he sent her 63 photos and four videos of child and baby pornography.
  1. Who doesn't love babies?
  2. Another reason to join the 'Down With Disney' group on facebook. (i.e. 'The Most Pedophilic Place on Earth!')
  3. Baby Porn... the deeply-underground sequel to Baby Geniuses.
You have to wonder what this guy was thinking. So he's in this chatroom on Hello Google (whatever the hell that is), and he sees a new user join the 'Child Talk for Moms Only' room. Here is a supposed transcript of Guerra's IMs (or PMs.. or GMs):
LittleKidLover: Hey 'baby'... get it?
HawtBabyMomma114: Ha Ha Yes I love that joke!
LittleKidLover: do u have kids?
HawtBabyMomma114: Yes I do. My oldest, Jamie, is just turning 4, and my newest bundle of joy, Harrietta, just graced this planet with her arrival last week.
LittleKidLover: ooooo... I love babies...that's hot
HawtBabyMomma114: Yes, you're right. It's 102 degrees here!!!!!!
LittleKidLover: ya bitch i like the way you play it
HawtBabyMomma114: Ha Ha you're funny. So you do have kids too?
LittleKidLover: fuck no. but more importantly, do you molest your kids?
HawtBabyMomma114: Oh my lord no! I can't even imagine doing that!
LittleKidLover: stfu and check this out... they might help your imagination

LittleKidLover wants to send '
63photosandfourvideosofchildandbaby pornography.zip'...
I imagine it went exactly like that. If only Chris Hanson were there. Dateline NBC Presents To Catch A Predator: Epcot.



No commentary necessary:

BELGRADE, Serbia (Reuters) -- A 23-year old Serb was found dead and half-eaten in the bear cage of Belgrade Zoo at the weekend during the annual beer festival.

The man was found naked, with his clothes lying intact inside the cage. Two adult bears, Masha and Misha, had dragged the body to their feeding corner and reacted angrily when keepers tried to recover it.

"There's a good chance he was drunk or drugged. Only an idiot would jump into the bear cage," zoo director Vuk Bojovic told Reuters.

Local media reported that police found several mobile phones inside the cage, as well as bricks, stones and beer cans.


As Promised, More Terrible Teases

I've been on vacation for a while, but I never take a break from hating promotions.

Here's a tease from today's 4 o'clock on ABC7:
Hmmm... how many different ways does the USPS honor somebody? I was really hoping they were going to make a mailbox out of Jimmy Stewart, a la the R2D2-box. Alas, I was mistaken, and he just got a dumb stamp. Damn you teases, AGAIN.


I Hate You, Promotions

One of my pet peeves, something that irks me on all levels, even so much that it forces me to use to the work 'irk': Teases.

They're tricky little bastards to do right, and most of the time writers just fuck 'em up. Given more time, I'd list some more examples. But on Wednesday, just mere hours after the bridge collapse, ABC7 was already teasing their 11:00 coverage:

'Misery on the Mississippi'

I hate you, promotions. Pure disgrace.

(More on teases later...)


CBS Gets an F-

It goes without saying (but I will anyway): Yesterday's bridge collapse in Minneapolis is a huge story, and will be for weeks. "What went wrong?" will be the question that will probably never be answered, yet perpetually asked.

So yesterday, after the 6:00 local shows wrapped their wall-to-wall coverage of the collapse, it was the Networks' turn to take over. Now, the bridge collapsed around 4:00 PT. World News, Evening News, and Nightly all air from 6:30-7:00 for the east coast, or 3:30-4 for those slow in math (and I know you're out there). Here's a bit of inside baseball, "making the band" info about how the networks do their evening news shows. Generally, the show is live in all aspects for the east coast, like most things on TV. But the west coast feed (3 hours later) is usually different than the live version. After the live broadcast, Charlie, Katie, or Brian go back, re-shoot/update/edit/fix things from the live show. So by the time we see it here in L.A., the "West Coast Edition" (as Nightly calls it) is about as live as The Tonight Show.

There's two obvious reasons to reshooting the show:
  1. Making the anchors look better by eliminating flubs and screw ups; and more importantly,
  2. Being NEW (because the NEWS is supposed to be NEW) in case something happens between 4:00 and 6:30 Pacific Time.
Get to point right? Yesterday, while ABC and NBC went live with their respective anchors to cover the bridge collapse, CBS did not. For whatever reason, CBS and Katie Couric went with their canned East Coast feed, and had nothing on the bridge until about 6:45, with a live VOSOT.

There may be an excuse, and I really hope there is. Otherwise, the Evening News producers need to be fired, or flogged. Either will do.

Bad job, Katie.


The Dogs Strike Back!

Elsewhere in the country, hundreds of dogs are being killed for sport. Well now the dogs have their day...

Watch 'Dog Eats Nearly $1,000 in Cash' here.

Corruption from Within

I guess I (and the rest of the news media) should have been more skeptical of that story about cardboard dumplings in China (original post). Now it turns out the undercover reporter in that story made up the entire thing! He's been arrested! After a city-wide inspection by the government, it determined, 'Zi [The reporter] had provided all the cardboard and asked the vendor to soak it. It's all cheating.'

I don't know why a dumpling manufacturer would have willingly submitted to pretending to stuff its delicious pork dumplings with chopped up boxes. Maybe the reporter paid the guy? Allegedly the man 'fabricated the report to garner higher audience ratings.' He succeeded there, that's for sure.

Honestly though I'm more upset at the state of journalism in the world now. We've got reporters flat out making up investigative pieces? Next thing you're going to tell me is that Joel Grover really works for Mannie, Moe, & Jack (and the rest of the 'Boys) and he's just trying to get EZ shut down!

CNN article about 'Dumpling Duping' here.


WTF is wrong with people?


I hope they throw the fuckin' book at Michael Vick. Or better yet, put him in a UFC ring and see if he ends up like his dogs.

Related CNN video not for the faint of heart.

More (and Simpler) Math Lessons, Since No One Learned from Last Week's

Our previous lesson taught us about the inverse relationship between President Bush's job performance and the 'threat' of terrorism in the U.S. Today we'll learn about Positive Correlation with respect to the War of on Terror:
Congressional Democratic efforts to stop the War in Iraq
are positively correlated to
'Successes' in the War in Iraq

Last night, Senate Democrats, in true college fashion, pulled an all-nighter discussing the war. Cots were rolled out and set up and everything. Yay slumber parties!

But wait! Just as the American public began to think Congress was actually doing its job by ending this war... on the other side of the Potomac, the Pentagon today announced the capture of 'the most senior Iraqi in al Qaeda in Iraq'! A MAJOR VICTORY IN THE WAR ON TERROR! What are these Democrats talking about?? We must be winning the war if we were able to capture the head of al Qaeda in Iraq, right? Hmm.. that story conveniently pushes the 24 hour debate off the front page of CNN. Turns out we captured the guy two weeks ago, but I guess the White House was just waiting for the right time to tell us.

Here's the kicker:
The declassified portion of the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) warns of "a persistent and evolving terrorist threat over the next three years" from Islamic terrorist groups, namely al Qaeda.
Math Lesson #4
This Year (2007) + 3 years = 2010

What else (besides another terror attack, of course) will happen 'over the next three years'? Step aside, Nostradamus. I predict BIG threats to the nation on the following days:

November 4, 2008 & November 2, 2010.


Can anyone tell me why there's a dancing alien on this mortgage ad? I thought it was for Mercury Insurance at first. This is what I get for having to use IE at work.


Police: Pa. boy stabs brother over game

LANSDOWNE, Pa. (AP) - A 13-year-old boy fatally stabbed his brother with a steak knife after the 16-year-old refused to turn over a video game controller, authorities said.

Jahmir Ricks was charged with first-degree murder in the death of Antwan Ricks at their home outside Philadelphia. The older boy died of a single stab wound to the chest, police said, and a bent and bloody knife was recovered from the home.

Lansdowne police said the younger boy told them, "I just stabbed my brother," when they arrived at the home Sunday.

Police believe the argument started when Antwan Ricks would not turn over the game controller after losing a game to his brother. Police Chief Daniel Kortan said the rules of the house were that the person who lost had to give someone else a chance to play.

The argument escalated into a brawl, and the younger boy grabbed the knife, Kortan said.

Antwan Ricks was pronounced dead at a hospital.

Jahmir Ricks, who was charged as an adult, was being held without bail. It was not immediately known if he had obtained an attorney. He faces charges of third-degree murder, assault, recklessly endangering another person and possession of instruments of crime.

When will kids learn?? The Wiimote sword in Zelda is not a REAL sword. You can't be Link, kid. Only Link can.