
Corruption from Within

I guess I (and the rest of the news media) should have been more skeptical of that story about cardboard dumplings in China (original post). Now it turns out the undercover reporter in that story made up the entire thing! He's been arrested! After a city-wide inspection by the government, it determined, 'Zi [The reporter] had provided all the cardboard and asked the vendor to soak it. It's all cheating.'

I don't know why a dumpling manufacturer would have willingly submitted to pretending to stuff its delicious pork dumplings with chopped up boxes. Maybe the reporter paid the guy? Allegedly the man 'fabricated the report to garner higher audience ratings.' He succeeded there, that's for sure.

Honestly though I'm more upset at the state of journalism in the world now. We've got reporters flat out making up investigative pieces? Next thing you're going to tell me is that Joel Grover really works for Mannie, Moe, & Jack (and the rest of the 'Boys) and he's just trying to get EZ shut down!

CNN article about 'Dumpling Duping' here.

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